
Physical | 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 |
Optimism | 🟥 |
Sewing | 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 |
Reliability | 🟩🟩🟩🟩 |
Fashion sense | 🟨🟨🟨 |
Second mate and tailor on board the Velvet Eclipse, his old dream of starting a fashion line was rekindled by Coral Rem.
- Camaraderie
- Fine art
- Wasted effort
- Disappointing others
At his lowest he was hired by a tailor and gained a passion for clothing, supporting her in her dream of opening a fashion line on Sonata Island. A year after she finally left to open it, the business collapsed, leaving Plakad disillusioned and pessimistic. Eventually he would be captured by pirates, only to be rescued by Coral Rem. Witnessing his zeal to reach his own dreams, Plakad begrudgingly follows him as part of the Velvet Eclipse's crew. Carrying the broken dream of his mentor with him, he strives to find his own path with his newly revitalized passion as a guide.
Refuses to use bladed weapons, preferring to fight with either a sledgehammer or martial arts. Often pessimistic but secretly wishes for his negativity to be proven wrong.
Character Relations
Impressed by Coral's idea of magic he's had his reason for being restored. In return he wants to see Coral make it to where he's going. Knowing his new captain is far less experienced than any other member of the crew he wants to do his best to make things easier for him. As impressive as his belief in the power of dreams is, sometimes Coral's lack of perspective gets on Plakad's nerves.
Q. Maria
Seems stoic at first but they gradually become pretty good friends. Having someone more trained in combat than him around puts him at ease a little, but it also pushes him a bit to try and be just as reliable. The kind of rivalry where neither one notices it's happening.

Second reference including the hammer he ostensibly has. His pants have less layers in this one, but I'm wondering if the pants would be better if they had wave patterns on them or something...

Basic reference, the sleeves should maybe flare out more than this. The idea is he's as flowy as his namesake.

Rough doodles, it's easier to get the character's personality across this way rather than spending a ton of time on a full illustration.
Old material

Initial sketches. For some reason I prefer to start designing with a physical medium.

Early sketches of the crew. There are probably more of them that aren't in this sketch, but maybe there shouldn't be either. Maybe the most drastic difference in initial sketch to final* design that I've got so far. Even so, there are a lot of elements that I got attached to and just kept going with, as I do with every design really.