
I'm cobalt! At this point I'm someone who's just chained to fifty story ideas without even knowing why anymore. I'm gradually getting started with some of them, though. I hope they can at least be a little entertaining, or interesting in some way.

I like to try and be as open as I can about what I'm working on, so maybe every so often I'll write a blog post about my progress in some of these.

For ease of navigation only this page remains anchored. All links from this page will open in a new tab, but links in other pages will not, unless specified otherwise.


I'm still working on making sure this is all fine to use, and finding somewhere nice to put it, but for now I'm testing it out:


Sound Test

Listen to some lobby tunes, if you like. It shuffles every time the page is reloaded, but hopefully it doesn't play automatically. Thanks to jcb001 on stackoverflow for this.