
Knowledge | 🟨🟨🟨 |
Resilience | 🟥 |
Empathy | 🟩🟩🟩🟩 |
Thieving | 🟨🟨 |
Persuasion | 🟥 |
One half of Team Fortune's least successful duo. Looking for a way to destroy the world, supposedly.
- Sweets
- Imagining his goals achieved
- Hopelessness
- Abuse of power
A prosecutor who lost a case extremely badly. The aftermath of the case led him to lose all faith in humanity, and he began to search for a way to end all of the world's suffering. When the town of Elview suddenly disappeared from the map he desperately began searching for the cause, believing whatever happened there to be the power he was looking for. His search led him to the thieves' organization of Team Fortune, and the crime families who own them. However, he's now stuck as a petty thief with no way to make any more progress in his search.
Eventually, management changes, and the criminal underworld takes a tighter grip on Team Fortune. Ash's tasks push him deeper into darkness, making him inflict the wonton suffering he set out to eliminate. How much the end justifies the means is a question he'll have to find the answer to soon.
Character Relations
A troublesome partner. Her antics always cause problems and make Ash exasperated. Still, through their time together Ash can tell she has the same kind of broken heart he has, and hopes she can find enough self-confidence to stop self-sabotaging someday. When she's not intentionally causing problems they get along quite well.
Ash's new "boss" as part of his mission within Team Fortune. She's always getting in Team Fortune's way and snooping around where she shouldn't be, so Ash has been assigned to work at her office to spy on her. The fear of being discovered as a mole makes him extremely anxious, but Annie herself is kind enough and has a broad enough perspective that just talking to her is enough to make Ash reconsider his dream of humanity's instant destruction. Until he clocks out again, anyway.

Main reference, these colors still seem off but I want to branch out a little from the usual black and a color I usually use.

Shared collage of group draw sketches of Ash and Cheryl.
Old material
To be added...