Coral Rem

Navigation 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Leadership 🟨🟨🟨
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Book-smarts 🟩🟩🟩🟩
Experience 🟨🟨

Captain and navigator of the Velvet Eclipse, in spite of his sinister reputation there isn't a single edgy bone in his body.

  • Drinking iced tea in total darkness
  • Being full of blood
  • Suffering of others
  • Double digit temperatures


A young man trapped in a backwards and old-fashioned life he has no agency in, he finally breaks out to find something that suits him better. Weak to sunlight, he sails off with a small crew of trusted allies to reach Sonata Island, the last bastion of ice in a world on the verge of being roasted like a marshmallow. Although the age of sailboats has come and gone, he refuses to simply take a plane and chooses to sail there, believing that the spirit of adventure can still exist in a world almost completely explored and documented.

Almost. Inexplicable events are occurring in various places around the world, said to be the work of witches. Creatures appear to latch onto people and torment them with their greatest fears and anxieties. Coral encounters several of these on his journey, among other less supernatural enemies, but has no way to fight back directly. Instead he must rely on sleight of hand and principles of magic tricks to escape danger, having taught himself in an attempt to introduce the concept of wonder to the people around him. Someday, however, he might find a way to stand among his crew without having to be protected all the time...

Coral himself is often mistaken for a vampire or a witch, but is neither. As a sailor he often throws around colorful and unnecessary swears, but still holds a lot of warmth and kindness in his heart. Absolutely incapable of bottling anything up, he wears his emotions on his sleeve and the walls of any room he enters. Though he wants to reach Sonata Island as fast as possible he wants to experience as much of the world as he can before he gets there.

Character Relations


Seeing the embers of a dream not yet extinguished within him he reached out and they've been friends ever since. Although, they haven't actually spent much time together yet. As Coral hasn't had many friends yet he's not entirely sure how to navigate an entirely new dynamic, so they're occassionally at odds with each other.

Q. Maria

Closer to her than his real parents, they've developed an extensive rapport as a doctor and patient. Very casual together. He's glad to be someone she can rely on emotionally, but he's a little frustrated that he can't do anything meaningful to help with her trauma.


New reference featuring his umbrella.

Maybe the first real reference sheet I've made, certainly the first actual one Coral's had.

Various sketches showcasing Coral's personality and expressions. I've been trying to fill one of these out for every character I'm putting on here, but only Coral's is complete for now. He's so easy for me to draw.

Old material

Initial design pass that turned into a reference sheet.